Stonebridge World School
School performance rating
Languages spoken by school staff
English, Spanish, Somali, Hindi, Persian
Extra programming
Many after-school programs are planned, such as the Homework Help Club, Dance, Soccer Club, Girls on the Run, & Boys Basketball.
Extracurriculars Offered:
Cultural Extracurriculars, Foreign Language Clubs, Homework Help Club, Sports
Students who attend Stonebridge World School are required to wear uniforms.
How to enroll
To enroll, contact the office or the Enrollment Outreach Coordinator at (612) 877-7400 or
Students at this school
Teachers at this school
Average student to teacher ratio
Academic programming
Stonebridge World School is a PK-6 Minneapolis public charter school that offers a combination of a global curriculum, different services, & a central location designed to provide a first-class education to Minneapolis students.
Tuition-free & open to all PK-6 students, Stonebridge is a safe, small school community that focuses on building global citizens through reading, writing, & math combined with arts, technology, & physical education to educate the whole child.
Stonebridge follows the Responsive Classroom program which brings together what children need to learn with what schools know about how they need to learn. In this approach, teachers pay equal attention to social & academic learning. Students’ social learning is centered around 5 key skills: cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, & self-control–or CARES. In this model, teachers try to get to know as much as possible about their students individually, culturally, & developmentally. Teachers build strong relationships with families & staff to make sure that the adults in the students’ lives are working together for the students’ best interests.
Academic Programs Offered:
Advanced Instruction, Arts Focused Programming, Personalized Learning
Special education programming
Stonebridge covers up to category 4. They have a specialized area for 1-on-1 & small group teaching. Stonebridge also offers a place for testing.
English language learner programming
Stonebridge has doubled capacity for English language learning. Utilizing a pull-out method, students meet in small groups outside their homeroom to learn & practice English skills.
0 out of 10 students are performing math at grade level
2 out of 10 students read at grade level
This school does not have data for the 2024 year
This school does not have data for the 2024 year
School values
No response from school.
Discipline Policy
No response from school.
Teacher retention
Equity vision
Teachers & staff at Stonebridge World School have experience working with a diverse student body. Based on that, they have developed a learning program for the school which features research-based curriculum, hands-on learning opportunities, small class sizes, strong family support services, & opportunities for active parent participation. Stonebridge knows that how students learn is as important as what they learn, so the school supports families in helping their children learn & grow.