Olson Middle School
School performance rating
Languages spoken by school staff
Extra programming
Olson Middle School has partnerships with YMCA Beacons, Project Success, & Illusion Theater. They offer lego robotics, athletics, & after-school activities.
Extracurriculars Offered:
STEM/STEAM Clubs, Sports
Students who attend Olson Middle School are not required to wear uniforms.
How to enroll
If interested in enrolling, contact Student Placement Services at (612) 668-1840 or sps.department@mpls.k12.mn.us.
Students at this school
Teachers at this school
Average student to teacher ratio
Academic programming
Olson Middle School is a community school that offers students a college prep program (IB). They also provide advanced instruction & Hmong language programming.
Academic Programs Offered:
College Prep, International Baccalaureate (IB), Language Immersion
Special education programming
Consistent with federal & Minnesota law, special education instruction & related services are provided to all children with disabilities (age birth through 21 years) who need & meet the eligibility criteria for special education instruction & related services.
Read the full MPS Special Education Policy at: www.bit.ly/3Mul9kr.
English language learner programming
MPS supports district programming & curriculum that promotes the accelerated academic achievement of English learners & recognizes the important role multilingualism plays in achieving academic success & in the future careers of MPS students.
Read the full MPS Bilingual Student Education Policy at: www.bit.ly/42VAq2U.
0 out of 10 students are performing math at grade level
1 out of 10 students read at grade level
1 out of 10 students are progressing to graduate on grade-level in math
2 out of 10 students are progressing to graduate on grade-level in reading
School values
MPS’s values are:
1) Equity, representation, & anti-racism;
2) Physical & emotional safety & wellbeing;
3) Relationships, trust, & communication;
4) Shared decision-making & voice;
5) Transparency & accountability; &
6) Evidence-based strategies.
Learn more at: www.mpschools.org/strategic-plan.
Discipline Policy
MPS recognizes that appropriate school behavior is critical to academic success & to sustaining a rich & effective learning community. Their Discipline & Student Behavior Policy states that student instruction time lost due to removal from classes in response to misbehavior must be minimized. MPS looks to parents & families to partner in teaching & supporting appropriate school behavior to maximize the academic success of their students.
Read the full MPS Discipline & Student Behavior Policy at: www.bit.ly/42ZvEkZ.
Teacher retention
Equity vision
MPS’s vision is that all students–no matter their background, ZIP code, & personal needs–will receive an anti-racist, holistic education that builds key knowledge to prepare students for future success. To achieve their vision, MPS will intentionally focus on & prioritize resources & actions to significantly improve the experiences & outcomes of Black students, Indigenous students, students of color, & their families. MPS is in the process of implementing their Climate Framework (www.mpschools.org/about-mps/climate-framework), in which all schools must write School Improvement Plans that address & incorporate equity.
Learn more at www.mpschools.org/strategic-plan.