Minnehaha Academy (Upper School)

Link to enroll
School hours:
Mon-Fri 8:35AM-3:10PM
Before school care:
After school care:

School performance rating

No rating
Rating not provided. Why not?


Languages spoken by school staff


Extra programming

Minnehaha Academy students don’t just excel in the classroom & community. They also shine in the fine arts, athletics, & co-curricular activities. The school has many extracurricular groups & there is something for everyone. A passion or interest is all that’s needed to become a member of any team or group.

Extracurriculars Offered:

AV/Tech Clubs, Cultural Extracurriculars, Debate/Speech Clubs, Environmental/Outdoors Clubs, Foreign Language Clubs, Journalism/Newspaper Clubs, Music, STEM/STEAM Clubs, Sports, Theater, Visual Arts Clubs


Students who attend Minnehaha Academy (Upper School) are not required to wear uniforms.

How to enroll

To enroll, contact Deena Kvasnik at (612) 728-7722 or admission@minnehahaacademy.net.

Students at this school

Students, by population (357 total)
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
  • Hispanic
  • Two or more races
  • White
  • English Language Learner
    Data unavailable
  • From a Low Income Background
  • Special Education
    Data unavailable

Average student to teacher ratio



No Rating

Academic performance rating

No rating
Rating not provided. Why not?

Academic programming

It’s more than hands-on, experiential learning. It’s more than project-based learning. It’s more than a Bible verse linked to a lesson. It’s more than just doing good. It’s all of these things, yes, but it’s much more. Minnehaha Academy fosters passionate, engaged students who love to learn & are inspired by the world around them.

Academic Programs Offered:

Advanced Placement (AP), College Prep, STEM/STEAM

Special education programming

No response from school.

English language learner programming

No response from school.


No Rating

Climate performance rating

No rating
Rating not provided. Why not?

School values

Minnehaha Academy encourages students to explore their gifts & talents as the school supports their development to become next generation thought leaders & change makers. Students thrive in a culture where learning is cool, & curiosity & critical thinking are valued by faculty & peers.

Discipline Policy

Minnehaha Academy believes that loving & corrective discipline leads to maturity & responsibility on the part of those who experience it. It is a shared responsibility of Minnehaha & parents who enroll their children at the school. The nature of God’s discipline of humanity is an outgrowth of His love for us, which is underscored in Scripture. Minnehaha desires to model the same kindness & love for its students in exercising discipline.

Bullying Prevention Policy

No response from school.


No Rating

Equity performance rating

No rating
Rating not provided. Why not?

Equity vision

Everyday Minnehaha Academy strives to move deeper into conversations, learning, & growth in racial righteousness. They see racial righteousness as a movement that will inform all that they do, from their curriculum to chapel to athletics, & more.