Banaadir Academy

1201 N Bryant Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(612) 326-7200 School website
Link to enroll
School hours:
Mon-Thu 7:30 AM - 2:40 PM, Fri 7:30 AM - 12:05 PM
Before school care:
After school care:

School performance rating

No rating
Rating not provided. Why not?


Languages spoken by school staff

English, Somali

Extra programming

Banadir Academy offers a digital music program.


Students who attend Banaadir Academy are not required to wear uniforms.

How to enroll

To enroll, contact Mahad Mohamed at or (612) 326-7200.

Students at this school

Students, by population (50 total)
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
  • Hispanic
  • Two or more races
  • White
  • English Language Learner
  • From a Low Income Background
  • Special Education

Teachers at this school

Teachers, by population (15 total)
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
  • Hispanic
  • Two or more races
  • White

Average student to teacher ratio



No Rating

Academic performance rating

No rating
Rating not provided. Why not?

Academic programming

Banadir Academy offers student-centered, 5-12 schooling with a perfect balance of creativity, experiences, academics, & personal attention that follows Minnesota state standards.

Academic Programs Offered:

Online learning, PSEO, Personalized learning

Special education programming

Their vibrant special education program provides services designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities across the district. It is the mission of the Special Education Services Department that every student on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) receives the educational programming that best meets his/her individual needs, & supports each student with their future goals.

English language learner programming

Banadir Academy offers English Language Learner programming.


No Rating

Climate performance rating

No rating
Rating not provided. Why not?

School values

Banadir Academy will meet you where you are. They offer a flexible, supportive environment with personalized education that allows students to be successful where they currently are.

Discipline Policy

Student and staff circles are where student issues & consequences are resolved. It is also a place where students doing the right thing is pointed out. Justice is reached in conversation & sharing. It is making a strong & positive impact on keeping kids in school & learning from mistakes.

Bullying Prevention Policy

The purpose of their bullying prevention policy is to assist MTCS in its goal of preventing & responding to acts of bullying, intimidation, violence, reprisal, retaliation, & other similar disruptive & detrimental behavior. To the extent such conduct affects the educational environment of MTCS & the rights & welfare of its students & is within the control of MTCS in its normal operations, MTCS intends to prevent bullying & to take action to investigate, respond to, & to remediate & discipline for those acts of bullying which have not been successfully prevented.

Teacher retention

% of teachers who stayed at the school
65% 72% 88% 43% 80% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 100% 0%


% of students who regularly attend school (at least 90% of time)
100% 97% 100% 2019 2020 2021 2022 100% 0%


Number of expulsions or suspensions per every hundred students
Per 100 Students 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 1 3 2


No Rating

Equity performance rating

No rating
Rating not provided. Why not?

Equity vision

They are committed to keeping students learning & in school, & that means tackling difficult things like racial equity & resolving conflict. Understanding how conflict is resolved, & making sure that justice runs deep in how staff & students understand & relate to each other, is at the core of keeping students thriving and in school & will positively impact student life.

Teacher retention

Teachers who stayed at the school last year by race/ethnicity
0% 100% City average 83% White City average 80% All teachers
0% 100% City average 83% White City average 80% All teachers

Teachers of color


Students of color



% of students who regularly attend school (at least 90% of the time)
0% 100% City average 100% Black or African American City average 100% English Language Learner City average 100% From a Low Income Background City average 100% All students
0% 100% City average 100% Black or African American City average 100% English Language Learner City average 100% From a Low Income Background City average 100% All students


Number of expulsions or suspensions for every hundred students
0% 100% City average 6 American Indian or Alaskan Native City average 8 Black or African American City average 2 Two or more races City average 0 White City average 2 All students
0% 100% City average 6 American Indian or Alaskan Native City average 8 Black or African American City average 2 Two or more races City average 0 White City average 2 All students