Ascension Catholic School
School performance rating
Languages spoken by school staff
English, Spanish
Extra programming
Ascension Catholic School offers sports, choir, & private string lessons from the MacPhail School of Music.
Extracurriculars Offered:
Debate/Speech Clubs, Music, Sports, Visual Arts Clubs
Students who attend Ascension Catholic School are required to wear uniforms.
How to enroll
To enroll, contact Michael Depass at (612) 521-3609 or
Students at this school
Average student to teacher ratio
Academic programming
Ascension Catholic School follows a college prep program & offers a personalized learning program, HigherPowered Learning, as well as STEAM programs for their students.
Special education programming
Ascension Catholic School provides special education services in partnership with the local public school district. Please contact the school directly for more information.
English language learner programming
Ascension Catholic School has a part-time ELL instructor who, for several years, has worked directly with teachers to not only help support ELL students, but to support all students. The instructor also works directly with ELL students helping them to improve their English language proficiency.
% of students on grade level, per NWEA MAP
2 out of 10 students are performing math at grade level
3 out of 10 students read at grade level
% of students on track, per NWEA MAP
4 out of 10 students are progressing to graduate on grade-level in math
5 out of 10 students are progressing to graduate on grade-level in reading
School values
Ascension Catholic School has as its mission the teaching of the Christian faith in the Roman Catholic tradition, fostering academic excellence in all areas of study, encouraging discipline based on respect & responsibility, & developing a sense of service & social justice within their multicultural community.
Discipline Policy
No response from school.
Teacher retention
Equity vision
Since 1897, Ascension Catholic School, a ministry of Ascension Catholic Community, has been teaching the Christian faith in the Roman Catholic tradition.
Throughout its history, Ascension Catholic School has served as both a reflection of its community & as an instrument for change on the Northside of Minneapolis, helping move lives forward through education & spiritual formation. Ascension is dedicated to the development of academic excellence within the structure of a disciplined & Christian-oriented environment. It aims to prepare its students for becoming intelligent & responsible adults.
Today, all are welcome at Ascension Catholic School without regard to academic level, home situations, language skills, religious beliefs, or financial resources.
% of students on grade level, by student group per NWEA MAP
% of students on track, by student group per NWEA MAP