About Changing-the-Odds Schools

These schools are leading the city in providing all kids—no matter their background—a great education. This list is based on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments, or “MCAs”—our state’s tool to understand how well schools are educating kids.

Students at these schools who come from a low-income background are academically outperforming the Minneapolis Public Schools average &/or are growing academically at a faster rate than the average. Students from a low-income background who attend changing-the-odds high schools are more likely than their peers to graduate & enroll in college.

changing the odds

Policymakers, advocates & educators look to the MCAs to understand how students, as a whole, meet grade-level state standards & our ability to close worst-in-the-nation “opportunity gaps.”

Due to the state of Minnesota not administering MCAs in spring 2020—due to COVID-19—and the low participation rate by students in 2021, we are not awarding a Changing-the-odds designation this year. You can still see past awards on schools profiles.

Tip: As you explore school profiles & visit schools, ask how kids similar to yours are doing academically & in comparison to other students at the school with different backgrounds.

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