Northeast Middle School
School performance rating
Languages spoken by school staff
English, French, Spanish
Extra programming
The school runs a robust afterschool program through Beacons & Community Education, offering experiences through arts, science & technology, exploring the outdoors, sports, & a variety of academically focused opportunities.
Extracurriculars Offered:
Environmental/Outdoors Clubs, Music, STEM/STEAM Clubs, Sports, Theater, Visual Arts Clubs
Students who attend Northeast Middle School are not required to wear uniforms.
How to enroll
If interested in enrolling, contact Student Placement Services at (612) 668-1840 or
Students at this school
Teachers at this school
Average student to teacher ratio
Academic programming
Northeast Middle School is a community school. They offer a college prep program (IB), advanced instruction, & Spanish, French, & Ojibwe language instruction.
Academic Programs Offered:
College Prep, International Baccalaureate (IB), Language Immersion
Special education programming
Consistent with federal & Minnesota law, special education instruction & related services are provided to all children with disabilities (age birth through 21 years) who need & meet the eligibility criteria for special education instruction & related services.
Read the full MPS Special Education Policy at:
English language learner programming
MPS supports district programming & curriculum that promotes the accelerated academic achievement of English learners & recognizes the important role multilingualism plays in achieving academic success & in the future careers of MPS students.
Read the full MPS Bilingual Student Education Policy at:
2 out of 10 students are performing math at grade level
3 out of 10 students read at grade level
3 out of 10 students are progressing to graduate on grade-level in math
4 out of 10 students are progressing to graduate on grade-level in reading
School values
MPS’s values are:
1) Equity, representation, & anti-racism;
2) Physical & emotional safety & wellbeing;
3) Relationships, trust, & communication;
4) Shared decision-making & voice;
5) Transparency & accountability; &
6) Evidence-based strategies.
Learn more at:
Discipline Policy
MPS recognizes that appropriate school behavior is critical to academic success & to sustaining a rich & effective learning community. Their Discipline & Student Behavior Policy states that student instruction time lost due to removal from classes in response to misbehavior must be minimized. MPS looks to parents & families to partner in teaching & supporting appropriate school behavior to maximize the academic success of their students.
Read the full MPS Discipline & Student Behavior Policy at:
Teacher retention
Equity vision
MPS’s vision is that all students–no matter their background, ZIP code, & personal needs–will receive an anti-racist, holistic education that builds key knowledge to prepare students for future success. To achieve their vision, MPS will intentionally focus on & prioritize resources & actions to significantly improve the experiences & outcomes of Black students, Indigenous students, students of color, & their families. MPS is in the process of implementing their Climate Framework (, in which all schools must write School Improvement Plans that address & incorporate equity.
Learn more at