Kenwood Elementary School
School performance rating
Languages spoken by school staff
English, Spanish
Extra programming
Kenwood offers the following extracurriculars: French, Spanish, Chess, Girls on the Run, GEMS & GISE, ALC Programming, & Minneapolis Kids.
Extracurriculars Offered:
Cultural Extracurriculars, Environmental/Outdoors Clubs, Music, STEM/STEAM Clubs, Sports, Visual Arts Clubs
Students who attend Kenwood Elementary School are not required to wear uniforms.
How to enroll
If interested in enrolling, contact Student Placement Services at (612) 668-1840 or
Students at this school
Teachers at this school
Average student to teacher ratio
Academic programming
All students at Kenwood receive differentiated instruction that supports their academic, social, & emotional development & growth in math, literacy, science, & social studies. Students enjoy physical education, visual arts, & music on a weekly basis. Students visit the Media Center once a week to check out books. Arts residencies & outdoor learning add to the school’s vibrant, global learning community.
Academic Programs Offered:
Arts Focused Programming
Special education programming
Kenwood has a Setting III Citywide Autism Program. They also offer support to students who receive resource services for speech, math, reading, social skills, & functional skills. Their team includes Special Education Teachers, a School Social Worker, a School Psychologist, a Speech & Language Pathologist, an Occupational Therapist, & Special Education Assistants.
English language learner programming
Kenwood has 2 English Language teachers who support students for whom English is a second (or third or fourth!) language. Kenwood students & their families speak approximately 20 different languages at home! They have staff who speak Spanish & Somali on site to support partnerships with families.
5 out of 10 students are performing math at grade level
5 out of 10 students read at grade level
This school does not have data for the 2024 year
This school does not have data for the 2024 year
School values
Kenwood Elementary practices & celebrates PRIDE values: Peace, Respect, Integrity, Dependability, & Engagement.
Discipline Policy
Kenwood establishes regular, predictable, & positive learning & teaching environments. They teach, model, & practice academic & behavior expectations, as well as prioritize their social emotional & academic curricula. The school builds positive relationships with their students & their families. They strive to know each child individually, culturally, & developmentally. They work together as adults to create a physically & emotionally safe learning community. Kenwood practices logical consequences, de-escalation techniques, & collaborative problem-solving with students & their families.
Teacher retention
Equity vision
Smarts+Arts. Through strong academic programming & arts integration, Kenwood prepares all students to be life-long learners, creative thinkers, & contributors to a democratic society. Kenwood provides an inclusive, joyful, & student-centered atmosphere for children to learn & grow. They believe that strong academics, the arts, & equitable practices inspire creativity, collaboration, & civic engagement.